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Morphology and Histology of sudarshana - Crinum asiaticum Linn.

sudarshana :

sudarshana : Crinum asiaticum Linn.


Habitat : Habit: An ornamental tuberous, perennial herb, root stock bulbous, bulb extended as neck to, or above ground level as pseudostem.

Bulb (pseudostem) : gowning upto 1.2 m., the bulb it self is unusual because there is not much to it. From the basal plate the stout leaves make a pseudostem that can reach a foot or more above ground.

Leaves : Inflorescence: Many flowered (20-50), umbellate cyme on a stout scape and subtended by 2- large spathaceous bracts.

Flowers are fragrant, 20 to 40, each subtended by a thin, narrow bracteole. Perianth tube is greenish, about 1 centimeter long, the lobes spreading, white, linear, recurved or revolute, about 8 centimeters long and 8 centimeters wide. Filaments are very slender, free and purplish above. Fruits are subglobose, about 5 centimeters in diameter.

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