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Distribution and conservation of sudarshana - Crinum asiaticum Linn.

sudarshana :

sudarshana : Crinum asiaticum Linn.

Geographical distribution:

It is found throughout tropical Indian subcontinent, Ceylon as wild or cultivated. It is distributed also South China, Java, Timor and other areas of Malayan Islands, Pacific regions and extends to N. and E. Australia. It is native to tropical Asia and now it is a favorite landscape / ornamental plant.


 Ecosystems composed with a great variation of species are more sustain than the ecological areas with less species diversity. Utilization of plants are also categorized in many ways like for food source, medicine etc. As per knowledge and potential of the plant species are utilized for varied purpose

Plant conservation:

Members of the Crinum family are not the easiest to look after, they should be fertilised about three times a year. The leaves and flowers should be cut off once they have died. If you live in a very cold area then the bulbs should be removed from the garden in the autumn, and stored indoors in a cool place. It may take as long as five years before you see flowers from your Crinum lilies.

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