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Holistic and natural way to get rid of thumb sucking in Children

Holistic and natural way to get rid of thumb sucking in Children

Holistic way to get rid of thumb sucking
Oral habits until 3 years of age are considered normal. Oral habits are considered a part of the normal development of a child. Oral habits in children are completely normal forms of self-soothing and exploration of the environment. If oral habits are prevalent well beyond the acceptable age, they result in malocclusion and facial deformity.

There are several factors to consider like: duration of the habit per day, degree and intensity of the habit are responsible for any habit to produce detrimental and lasting effects. There are various reasons for developing thumb-sucking habit. Significant relationship exists between duration and intensity of thumb sucking and the amount of time spent in feeding sessions.

There are several issues that builds up due to long time habit of thumb sucking which can include: 
Forward position of the upper and lower front teeth.
Increased horizontal gap between the upper and lower front teeth leading to increased over jet of teeth.
Increased vertical gap between the upper and lower front teeth leading to open bite.
Development of tongue thrusting habit, secondary to thumb sucking due to open bite.
Narrow dental arches.
Smaller upper lip.
Soft tissue lesion on the thumb/deformation of the thumb.
Short finger nail.
Increased risk of trauma to upper front teeth.
Effect on psychological health, speech defect (especially lisping), middle ear infection and enlarged tonsils.

And now the secret wepon to shop the kids from sucking their thumb: CHENNINAYAKAM!
Chenninayakam or the dried Aloe vera gum, this is the easiest and natural way to do.  Its very well effective and well proven method.
Just apply it more frequently on the thumb of the baby, in just couple of days he will be out of it!

It can be found in market as Aloes , Elwa , mushambar , Aloe Gum , Aloe resins.

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding (i.e. no other fluids or solids) for six months and then continued breastfeeding combined with solid foods for 2 years or as long as mother and baby desire. 
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