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Cultivation of jivant - Holostemma ada-kodien Schultes

jivant :

Holostemma ada-kodien flower


The plant prefers a tropical humid climate and partially sunny locations. Sandy-loam soil is best for its cultivation.


The plant can be propagated through seeds.
Matured seeds are collected from the plant during December–January before they disperse. Seeds are cleaned, dried, and stored for sowing.
However, fruit set is generally less than 10% in this crop, which is a major constraint for large-scale cultivation through seeds.
The crop can also be propagated by vegetative means through root and stem cuttings.


The root parts are used as drug and it takes one to two years for its good development. The crop yield is maximum (400–450 kg/hectare of fresh roots) after about one year of planting. However, the crop quality reaches the peak only after 18 months, although the yield of fresh roots may be reduced to about 250 kg/hectare. Thus, keeping in mind quality considerations, the crop should preferably be harvested when it attains 1.5–2 years of age. Harvesting is done by digging the soil to collect the roots. These roots are then cleaned well.

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