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Ayurveda in United Kingdom

Ayurveda in United Kingdom

he trade and practise of Ayurveda flourished in the UK in late 80s. The main players who flourished by the end of 90s are

1. The Maharshi Ayurveda people who were successful in establishing a separate identity for themselves.
2. The Indian led Ayurveda lobby controlled by Ayurveda Company of Great Briton, which was established in 1989.
3. The Sree Lankan led Ayurveda lobby under the banner of Ayurveda Medical Association
4. A group of Ayurveda Medicine Traders under Mr. Sandeep Garg of Vedic Medical Hall Ltd.
5. The International Ayurveda Foundation, which has stakeholders all over Europe and India, was established in 2002.
6. The Ayurveda Practitioners Association established in 2005.

The Ayurveda College of Great Britain (ACGB) launched in 1999, started a part time three-year Bachelor of Ayurveda (Hons.) (B.A.Hons) Course in affiliation   to the Thames Valley University (TVU). The TVU graduates were offered a registration under BAMC/BAAAP, which were the Ayurveda professional Associations run by ACGB.

Lately, The Ayurveda College UK has been trying to start a B Sc and MSc course in Ayurveda in collaboration with the Middlesex University. The Statutory regulation for Herbal Practitioners as well as the partial Academic recognition to the part time courses may not at this stage help Ayurveda to be recognised as a system of medicine in its own capacity. As long as the Practitioners of Ayurveda are not recognised and regulated as Traditional Practitioners who may be allowed to practise the system as a whole with a full fledged fool proof regulatory system to categorically define and duly regulate the trade and dispensing of quality Ayurveda medicines of drugs other than of herbal origin, any attempt to offer quality Ayurveda to the public will remain incomplete and defective.

The latest entrants to the Ayurveda Field are the Ayurveda Practitioners Association. They are closely working with the European Herbal Practitioners Association and the MHRA of UK for establishing a Statutory Regulation for Ayurveda Practitioners in UK. The International Ayurveda Foundation has been pursuing with the agenda of Global Recognition of Ayurveda from 2002 onwards. 

The Foundation is working closely with the Indian Government and has over 100 stakeholders around the world. Currently IAF is lobbying against the misbranding of Ayurveda as a herbal tradition and the THMPD enforced in EU regulating Ayurveda drug trade in EU under this.
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