Traditional Wellness - Shakti Mudra Center
27 Rue de la Madeleine, Nîmes, France 30000
Type: Hospital | website: http://www.shaktimudra.com/
Gardoussel Retreat - The Sun Centre
Gardoussel, 30940 St Andre de Valborgne, France.
Type: Hospital | website: http://www.thesuncentre.com
Ayurveda in France
In France, Ayurveda is getting slowly popular as a wellness therapy. Not many Ayurveda drugs are used and only few Institutions are offering Ayurveda Education. Tapovan Ayurveda Centre offers some Ayurveda Therapies and health care courses in Ayurveda. The legal recognition is a remote prospect in France for Ayurveda. Ayurvedic cosmetics and healthcare products are available in a few outlets as OTC products.
In Greece, Dr. Kostopolos is running an Ayurveda centre. The scenario is same as in France with respect to the legal status and popularity. Czech Republic is a little more flexible in this respect. Dr.Govind Rajpoot and Dr.George Eassay are conducting Ayurveda courses and well ness therapy centres in Czech Republic. Ayurveda is gaining popularity in this country, but legal recognition and regulation seems to be a distant possibility.

Kotakkal Ayurveda - Mother land of modern ayurveda
France: Hospitals, Resorts, Clinic, Wellness Center, Traditional Home, Research centre