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Properties of agaru - Aquilaria agallocha


Rasa: Katu Tikta
Guna: Laghu Teeskhsna
Veerya: Ushna
Vipaka: Katu
Prabhava: Medhya
Karma: Kaphahara Krimighna Kushtagna-useful in skin diseases, Vatahara Vathakaphahara

The bark of agaru exhibits a pleasant aroma and thus finds a place in the groups of medicines used for fumigation type of treatment used in condition of non healing skin ulcers exuding discharges to dessicate the surface of the ulcers.

Part used in Agaru is aromatic resinous wood, its oil also used called Agarwood oil
Its a main ingredient in Anu tailam a very famous ayurvedic oil used as nasal drops to treat ear,nose and troat related disorders . It is also an ingredient in Arimedadi tailam  Used for oil pulling or gargling. it helps to improve strength of teeth and sence organs
It is also used as ayurvedic herbal smoking   

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