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Chemical constituants of triputa - Allophylus serratus Kurz

triputa :

Allophylus serratus


The plant is found to be reported for its phytoconstituents like Quercetin, pinitol, luteolin-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, rutin, apigenin-4-O-β-D-glucoside (Kumar et al., 2010), β -sitosterol and phenacetamide (Hegnauer, 1961). Allophylus edulis is reported to have L-Quebrachitol (Diaz et al., 2008) and cyanolipids and triacylglycerols from seed oil (Aichholz et al., 1997). A novel type α-trans-polyprenols, alloprenols were found in the leaves of Allophylus caudatus (Ciepichal et al., 2007). A new sesquiterpene 11- acetoxy-4 α-methoxyeudesmane and other known compounds carissone and apigenin-8-C-β-rhamnopyranoside were reported in Allophylus laevigatus (David et al., 2004). The seed oil extracted from Allophylus natalensis is reported to have triacylglycerol, type I cyanolipids, 1-cyano-2-hydroxymethylprop-2-en-1-ol-diesters with minor amounts of type III CL, 1-cyano-2-hydroxymethylprop-1-en-3ol-diesters (Avato et al., 2005). Preliminary chemical characterization of the aqueous extract of Allophylus cominia leaves reported total protein concentration, fatty acids like lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, arachidic acid and carbohydrates like arabinose, xylose, galactose and glucose (Rodriguez et al., 2005).

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