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Uses of triputa - Allophylus serratus Kurz

triputa :

Allophylus serratus

General Use:

The fruits are sweet, edible and have cooling and nourishing tonic. The flesh of the berry is eaten raw to expel tapeworm. The leaves are crushed into juice and used to reduce fever, to relieve rashes, promote lactation, to treat colic. Leaves 
ground with quicklime is applied with heat to relieve stomach aches. Leaves and barks are used as a remedy for elephantiasis; antiulcer and reduce piles (Maurya and Srivastava, 2011; Devi et al., 2013)

Therapeutic Uses:

The plant has a distinction of being used in Indian system of medicine (Ayurveda) as an anti-inflammatory and carminative drug, and has been used in elephantiasis, oedema, fracture of bones, several gastrointestinal disorders including dyspepsia, anorexia and diarrhoea (Gupta, A.K., Tandon, N., 2004) The fruits are sweet in taste and have cooling and nourishing tonic. In some part of Nigeria, the leaves and even roots are reported to be eaten to induce lactation. 

Systemic Use:

Fruits are sweet and edible.

Leaves are used in the treatment of bone fractures, rashes, inflammation and stomach ache. Roots are used to check diarrhea.


Fruit pulp 


The root contain tannin and are considered astringent; they are stated to be used for treating piles and nose bleeding (Agrawal, V.S., 1997 )

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