nirgundi :

Vitex negundo Linn is a large aromatic shrub (commonly known
as Nirgundi,
Five leaved chaste tree) belonging to the family
Almost all the parts of this plant possesses great medicinal
values and it is employed as a remedy in various traditional systems of
medicine like ayurveda, chinese, siddha and unani to treat various diseases.
In Indian traditional medicine system Vitex negundo Linn is
referred as ʽsarvaroganivaraniʼ – the
remedy for all diseases .
A popular local quote of the Bhangalis in the Western
Himalayan region of India which translates as – A man cannot die of disease in
an area where Vitex negundo Linn, Adhatoda vasica and Acorus calamus are found
(provided that he knows how to use them) .
Nirgundi in Sanskrit
means which protects the body from diseases
In Malaysia, it is used in traditional herbal medicine for womens health, including treatments for regulating the menstrual cycle, fibrocystic breast disease and post-partum remediesTaxonomical Classification
Kingdom: Plantae - Plants
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta - Vascular plants
Superdivision: Spermatophyta - Seed plants
Division: Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants
Class: Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons
Family: Verbenaceae
Genus: Vitex
Species: Vitex Negundo
Allied species:
Vitex trifolia, Vitex altissimaVERNACULAR NAMES
Sanskrit: Nirgundi; Sephalika; Sindhuvara; Svetasurasa; Vrikshaha (सिन्धुवार)English: five-leaved chaste tree Horseshoe vitex; Chinese chaste tree
Hindi: Mewri; Nirgundi; Nisinda; Sambhalu; Sawbhalu (निर्गुंडी)
Urdu: Sumbaloo
Telugu: Sindhuvara; Vavili; Nalla-vavili; Tella-vavili (వావిలి / సింధువార) lekkali
Bengali: Nirgundi; Nishinda; Samalu
Marathi: Nirgudi (निरगुडी)
Konkani: Lingad
Oriya: Thingkhawilupa, Niligund
Gujarathi: Nagoda; Shamalic
Tamil: Chinduvaram; Nirnochchi; Nochchi; Notchi; Vellai-nochchi
Malayalam: Indrani , കരിനൊച്ചി karinocchi
Kannada: Bile-nekki
Punjabi: Banna; Marwan; Maura; Mawa; Swanjan Torbanna
Sindhi: Marvandaey (Buner), nirgud (Margallah hills), kalgari (Siran valley)
Santal: Bengunia, luguni, sindwar (Chhota Nagpur), sinduari (Bihar)
Arabic: أرثد نيغوندو
Spanish: sauzgatillo chino/extracto de sauzgatillo chino/tintura de sauzgatillo chino
Assamese: Pochotia (পচতীয়া)
Chinese: Huang jing (黄荆)
French: gattilier en arbre
German: ndischer Mönchspfeffer/Indischer Mönchspfeffer
Burma: Kiyow-bhan-bin, kiyuban-bin
Nepal: सिमली Simali Nirgundi
Persian: Sisban, panj-angasht, banjangasht, panjngust (Fazan Khist)
Sinhalese: Nika (නික)
V. negundo var. cannabifolia - V. negundo var. incisa
Synonyms in Ayurveda: nirgundi, nirgudi, sinduvarak, shephali, suvaha, bhutkeshi, nilsinduk, pushpanilak, shitbhiru, vanakRasa: Katu Tikta
Guna: Laghu Ruksha
Veerya: Ushna
Vipaka: Katu
Karma: Vathakaphahara
Vitex negundo Linn is a popular medicine for human kind.
- It is widely
planted as a hedge plant in between the fields and usually not browsed by
the cattle.
- It can be
reproduced readily from shoot cuttings.
- It produces root
suckers which can also be utilized as planting material.
- An easily grown
plant, it prefers a light well-drained loamy soil in a warm sunny position
sheltered from cold drying winds succeeds in poor dry soils.
- Plants tolerate temperatures
down to about -10°C.
- The leaves and stems
are strongly aromatic.
- The flowers have a
most Pronounced musk-like perfume
Seed - sow March in a greenhouse. It does not need any
- Germination is
usually free and quick. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots when
they are large enough to handle and grow them on in the greenhouse for
their first winter.
- Plant them out into
their permanent positions in early summer of the following year.
- Cuttings of
half-ripe wood, 5 - 8cm with a heel, July/August in a frame. Good
- Cuttings of mature
wood of the current seasons growth, November in a cold frame
Leaves are harvested in early summer and used fresh or dried
Roots are harvested in late summer and autumn, and dried for
later use
Parts used for medicinal purpose
Leaves, Root, Seed, ,Dosage:
- Leaf juice - 10-20 ml
- Root bark powder - 3-6 g
- Seed powder - 3-6 g
VITEX NEGUNDO is used as a subtitute for OCIMUM TENUIFLORUM L.Controversy:
-Nirgundi is cheap, easily available, free from controversy, and very effective in joint disorders.Commercial value:
- Essential oil of plant shows many biological activities in addition to their use in pharmaceutical industries.Morphology:
- Roots are woody,
fairly thick, 8-10 cm in diameter; external surface brownish, rough due to
the presence of longitudinal fissures and a small rootlets.
- The bark is very
thin and corky portion can be scrapped off easily.
- Transverse section
shows outer cork consisting of 12- 20 rows of nearly cubical to
rectangular cells, the cells of peripheral rows being thick walled but not
Stem Bark:
- Bark occurs in
channelled pieces, 0.3- 0.5 cm thick; outer surface yellowish grey, rough,
lenticelular, longitudinally channeled and transversely cracked;
- inner surface
darker than outer,
- blackish and
smooth; fracture short and splintery;
- taste slightly
bitter. In transverse section the bark
- shows well developed
periderm and secondary phloem elements.
Leaves are palmately compound,
petiole 2.5-3.8 cm long;
3-5 foliate;
middle leaflet is petiolate;
in trifoliate leaf, leaflet lanceolate or narrowly
lanceolate, acute, entire or rarely crenate,
middle leaflet 5-10 cm long and 1.6-3.2 cm broad,
with 1-1.3 cm long petiolule, remaining two subsessile;
in pentafoliate leaf inner three leaflets have petiolule
and remaining two sub-sessile;
Odour is agreeably aromatic surface glabrous
above and tomentose beneath; texture, leathery
- Petiole shows
single layered epidermis having a number of unicellular, bicellular and uniseriate
- covering trichomes
and also glandular trichomes with uni to tricellular stalk and uni to
bicellular head;
- cortex composed of
outer collenchymatous tissue and inner 6-8 layers of parenchymatous
- collenchyma well
developed in basal region and gradually decreases in middle and apical
- pericyclic fibres
absent in basal region of petiole and
- present in the form
of a discontinuous ring in apical region surrounding central horse
shoeshaped vascular bundle;
- a few smaller
vascular bundles present ventrally between arms of central vascular bundle
and two, or rarely three, bundles situated outside the arms.
Geographical distribution:
v Vitex
usually grows from three to nine feet tall, but under cultivation can develop
to 20 feet tall.
v Nirgundi
occur in tropical to temperate regions (up to 2200 m from east to west)
v grows
gregariously in wastelands and is also widely used as a hedge-plant.
v This
species is globally distributed in
v cultivated
in America, Europe, Asia and West Indies.
v Within
India, it is found throughout the greater part of India, ascending to an
altitude of 1500 metres in the outer Himalayas
Ø It is
abundant in open-waste lands.
Ø Locally
distributed throughout the State Maharashtra along the banks of rivers; very
common near the sea-coast in tidal and beach-forests in Konkan; along Deccan rivers.
Plant conservation:
IUCN threat status : Not evaluated (This taxon has not yet been assessed for the IUCN Red List)General Use:
The plant finds mention in the verses of the Charaka Samhita which is unarguably the most ancient and authoritative textbook of Indian Ayurveda. Vitex negundo Linn. has been designated as an anthelmintic and is prescribed as a vermifuge in the exposition on the Charaka Samhita. Other Ayurvedic uses of Vitex negundo Linn. are people sleep on pillows stuffed with Vitex negundo Linn. leaves to dispel catarrh and headache and smoke the leaves for relief. Crushed leaf poultice is applied to cure headaches, neck gland sores, tubercular neck swellings and sinusitis. Essential oil of the leaves is also effective in treatment of venereal diseases and other syphilitic skin disorders. A leaf decoction with Piper nigrum is used in catarrhal fever with heaviness of head and dull hearing. A tincture of the root-bark provides relief from irritability of bladder, rheumatism and in dysmenorrhea. Formulations described in Anubhoga Vaidya Bhaga, a compendium of formulations in cosmetology, in outlining the use of Vitex negundo Linn. leaves along with those of Azadirachta indica, Eclipta alba, Sphaeranthus indicus and Carum copticum in a notable rejuvenation treatment known as Kayakalpa.Therapeutic Uses:
The leaves possess discutient (Muhalil) properties and are applied to rheumatic swellings of the joints and in sprains.Systemic Use:
Clinical trials:
Nirgundi should be used with caution with the concurrent use of psychotropic drugs, including analgesics, sedatives, antidepressants, anticonvulsants and antipsychotics. Vitex negundo Linn. is quite similar botanically to the better studied Vitex agnus castus, and thus may have a similar range of contraindications, including the concurrent use of progesterogenic drugs and hormone replacement therapies8 .Toxicity studies:
Preliminary acute toxicity study of ethanolic leaf extract in albino rats by oral route carried out by Tandon and Gupta 2004) indicated it to be practically nontoxic, as its LD50 dose recorded was 7.5 g/kg/wt. The stomach showed no histomorphological changes in any of the doses of theextract studied. However, dose dependent histomorphological changes were observed in the specimens of the heart, liver and lungUse in other system of medicine:
Unani medicine:CONCLUSION:
Vitex negundo (nirgundi, in Sanskrit and Hindi) is a deciduous shrub naturalized in many parts of the world. Some consider it to have originated in India and the Philippines. There is no reference to nirgundi in the Vedas, while several references occur in post-Vedic works. In India, the plant has multifarious uses: basketry, dyeing, fuel, food, stored-grain protectant, fi eld pesticide, growth promoter, manure, as medicine for poultry, livestock, and humans. It is used in all systems of treatment – Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy, and Allopathy. It is commonly used in folk medicine in India, Bangladesh, China, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Japan. True to its meaning in Sanskrit (that which keeps the body free from all diseases), it is used to treat a plethora of ailments, ranging from headache to migraine, from skin affections to wounds, and swelling, asthmatic pains, male and female sexual and reproductive problems. Referred to as sindhuvara in Ayurveda, nirgundi has been used as medicine since ancient times. It is taken in a variety of ways, both internally and externally. The whole plant, leaves, leaf oil, roots, fruits, and seeds are administered in the treatment of specifi c diseases. However, in Ayurveda, the leaves, roots, and bark are the most important parts.KEY WORDS: nirgundi Vitex negundo Linn.
- » Classification and names of nirgundi
- » Synonyms and definitions of nirgundi
- » Drug Properties of nirgundi
- » Chemical Constituents of nirgundi
- » Standardization of nirgundi
- » Parts used and Dosage of nirgundi
- » Morphology and Histology of nirgundi
- » Distribution and Conservation of nirgundi
- » Cultivation of nirgundi
- » nirgundi in the market
- » Medicinal Uses of nirgundi
- » Researches and clinical trails of nirgundi
- » nirgundi in other sytems of medicine
- » Ayurvedic formulations with nirgundi
- » Images of nirgundi