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Properties of mendhi - Lawsonia alba Lam, Lawsonia inermis Linn.

mendhi :

mendhi  : Lawsonia alba Lam, Lawsonia inermis Linn. Rasa: Kashaya Tikta
Guna: Laghu Ruksha
Veerya: Sheetha
Vipaka: Katu
Karma: Kaphapittasamaka

Its leaves has kapha and Pitta alleviating properties. It is also useful in fever, burning sensation, skin and the liver diseases. Its external application is useful in wounds, swellings and fungal infections.

Henna leaves have astringent and antibacterial properties and useful in washing wounds, boils and skin infections. Its decoction is useful in gargling to cure oral infections and mouth boils.

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