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Distribution and conservation of mendhi - Lawsonia alba Lam, Laws..

mendhi :

mendhi  : Lawsonia alba Lam, Lawsonia inermis Linn.

Geographical distribution:

The henna plant is native to North Africa, southern Asia, and northern Australasia in semi-arid zones. Hennas indigenous zone is the tropical savannah and tropical arid zone, in latitudes between 15° and 25° N and S from Africa to the western Pacific rim, and produces highest dye content in temperatures between 35 °C and 45 °C. Henna is commercially cultivated in UAE, Morocco,Algeria, Yemen, Tunisia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, western India, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Turkey, Somalia and Sudan.


-L. inermis is widely distributed throughout the Sahel and into Central Africa; it also occurs in the Middle East. It grows
mainly along watercourses and in semi-arid regions and is adapted to a wide range of conditions. It can withstand low air
humidity and drought. Henna requires high temperatures for germination, growth and development.

Plant conservation:

-Erosion control: Trees are employed in soil conservation. 
Shade/shelter: L. inermis can be grown as a live fence. 
Ornamental: An attractive small tree that can be successfully grown in gardens.

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