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Uses of kausumbha - Carthamus tinctorius Linn.

kausumbha :

Close-up of the flowers Photograph by: Pseudoanas

General Use:

Taken hot, safflower tea produces strong perspiration and has thus been used for colds and related ailments. It has also been used at times for its soothing effect in cases of hysteria, such as that associated with chlorosis. Powdered seeds made into a poultice used to ally inflammation of the womb after child birth. Flowers of this herb is useful for jaundice

Therapeutic Uses:

Heart disease, Cholesterol, Tumours, Stomatitis, Fever, Eruptive skin complaints, Inflammation, Wound, Rheumatism

Systemic Use:

Flower: used in preparation of medicines for poliomyelitis, paralysis of brain and spine, other nerve disorders, heart diseases; Corolla-extract: effective in coronary occlusion in animals; Seed(50% EtOH extract): spasmolytic; Seed-oil: lowers blood cholesterol in human, increase plasma insulin


Seed, oil


Considered tonic, laxative, diaphoretic, abortifacient.
- Seeds and oil considered purgative and laxative.
- Flowers considered tonic and emmenagogue

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