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Conclusion - kausumbha - Carthamus tinctorius Linn.

kausumbha :

Close-up of the flowers Photograph by: Pseudoanas


Carthamus tinctorius L., widely accepted as Safflower or false saffron, belongs to the Compositae or Asteraceae family. This thistle-like species typically thrives in an arid climate, namely Southern Asia, China, India, Iran, and Egypt . It is found with six species in Iran . It was introduced into western countries, such as Italy, France, Spain, and the United States during the 5th to the 14th centuries. The vernacular name of this plant in Iran is “Golrang”, “Kajireh”, and “Kafesheh”, which has been vastly cultivated for its flower petals containing the red and orange pigments. The other well-known names for safflower are “Zaffer”, “Fake Saffron”, and Dyer’s Saffron” . It has been shown that the scavenging activities of safflower petals can produce a range of colors from orange to white with various intensities 

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