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Uses jiraka in other systems of medicine

jiraka :

jiraka  : Cuminum cyminum Linn.

Use in other system of medicine:

A fine paste of cumin seeds with water applied on boils or aching body parts gives relief from pain.

Water boiled with ground jeera has to be given regularly to lactating mothers, this increases breast milk and reduces inflammation of uterus.

Roast jeera without oil till it warm, grind this to a fine powder along with rock salt and massage gums with this powder this help to prevent bleeding from gums & strengthens them.

A tea prepared by boiling and a small piece of fresh ginger help to give relief in common cold.

Patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome can use pomegranate juice mixed with roasted and ground jeera powder this helps to reduce frequency of stools and sooths colon.

Yunani regards it as hot, carminative, digestive and astringent. It is employed in kapha diseases, menstrual disturbances and hiccups.

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