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Morphology and Histology of jiraka - Cuminum cyminum Linn.

jiraka :

jiraka  : Cuminum cyminum Linn.


Fruit, a cremocarp, often separated into mericarps, brown with light coloured ridges ellipsoidal, elongated,

about 4-6 mm long, 2 mm wide, tapering at ends and slightly compressed laterally,

mericarps with 5 longitudinal hairy primary ridges from base to apex, alternating with  secondary ridges which are flatter and bear conspicuous emergences,

seeds orthospermous, odour umbelliferous characteristic, taste, richly spicy.



Transverse section of fruit shows epidermis consisting of

·         short polygonal, tabular cells densely covered with short, bristle hairs on ridges,

·         mesocarp with few layers of parenchyma and five vascular bundles under five primary ridges, six vittae under secondary ridges, four on dorsal and two on commissural surface,

·         endocarp consists of polygonal cells containing fixed oil and aleurone grains carpophore consists of slender fibres.

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