ajapada :
Thick-Leaf Lavender is an aromatic annual herb with stems erect, 1-2 ft tall, robust, branched.Leaf-stalks are 1.3-5 cm long, densely white velvety. Leaves are ovate-oblong to circular, 5-7 × 5-7 cm, white white-velvety, sparsely red glandular, base heart-shaped to rounded, margin rounded-toothed, tip blunt to rounded. Flowers are borne in spikes 2.5-7.5 × 0.9-1.9 cm, long stalked, 4-angled in fruit. Sepal cup is 4.5 mm, tube constricted at mouth, dilated in fruit. Upper lip is ovate, lower lip flat. Flowers are purplish, 9 mm, densely velvety outside. Flower tube is slender, recurved at middle, dilated at throat. Upper lip is 4-lobed, lower lip concave. Anterior stamens slightly protruding.
Transverse section of the leaf through the midrib revealed the presence of dorsiventral nature of the leaf. The lamina consists of upper and lower epidermis having single layer of small, rectangular cells with thin cuticle which contain abundant straight multicellular covering and collapsed trichomes with pointed apex. Below the upper epidermis a single layer of elongated closely packed palisade cells were seen, below which spongy parenchyma with few vascular strands were seen. The epidermal layer of the lamina continuous over the midrib and consists of a patch of collenchymas cells below the upper and above the lower epidermal cells of the cortical parenchyma of the midrib. Bicollateral vascular bundle occupies the central region of cortical parenchyma. Abundant covering trichomes identical to that of lamina will be seen on the epidermal layer of the midrib- » Classification and names of ajapada
- » Synonyms and definitions of ajapada
- » Drug Properties of ajapada
- » Chemical Constituents of ajapada
- » Standardization of ajapada
- » Parts used and Dosage of ajapada
- » Morphology and Histology of ajapada
- » Distribution and Conservation of ajapada
- » Cultivation of ajapada
- » ajapada in the market
- » Medicinal Uses of ajapada
- » Researches and clinical trails of ajapada
- » ajapada in other sytems of medicine
- » Ayurvedic formulations with ajapada
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