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Properties of ajapada - Anisochilus carnosus Wall.

ajapada :

ajapada   - Anisochilus carnosus Wall.
- Fresh juice of the leaves and the volatile oil of this plant are used in the indigenous system of medicine to relieve intestinal colic, colds and coughs, and fungal affections of the mouth in children.
- Investigations conducted on the pharmacological actions and antibacterial activity, indicate that the essential oil of this plant possesses direct muscle relaxant action, musculotroptc and neurotropic antispasmodic activity and possibly a slight degree of neuro-muscular blocking effect. 
- The oil inhibits the growth of Staphylo aureus, E. Coll and B. typhosum and exhibits fungicidal action on 74spergil1us flavus and Fusarium nzonilifonne. 

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