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shallaki in the market

shallaki :

shallaki  : Boswellia serrata Roxb.


Large round or club shaped golden tears from B. casterii Birdw and B. frerean Birdw impored from countries of the Gulf and North Africa, sold in the Indian market by the name Kundur. 


The oleo gum resin of B. serratea is also adulterated with moina gum fromGaruga pinnata Roxb


-There is preliminary evidence that taking Indian frankincense extract orally might reduce osteoarthritis symptoms such as knee pain and swelling, while its use in rheumatoid arthritis is controversial. More evidence is needed for use of boswellia in both these conditions.

Commercial value:

The tree, on tapping exudes an oleo-gum resin which is known as "Kunduru" or "sallai guggulu" or "Indian olibanum".

Tapping period for kunduru is extends from November to June or July.

The tapping of boswellia gum for industrial purposes has not met with much success, because of very variable yield.

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