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Morphology and Histology of shallaki - Boswellia serrata Roxb.

shallaki :

shallaki  : Boswellia serrata Roxb.


Moderate sized, deciduous tree, up to 18 m in height and up to 2.4 m in girth;light, spreading crown and drooping branches;Bark very thin, greyish-green, ashy or reddish in colour with a chlorophyll layer beneath the thin outer layer;Leaves are alternate, exstipulate, imparipinnate, 20-45 cm in length, crowded towards the ends of the branches;leaflets 17-31 cm, opposite, 2.5-8 cm x 0.8-1.5 cm, basal pairs often smallest, sessile, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, crenate, very variable in size;Flowers white, born in stout racemes 10-20 cm long, shorter than the leaves, crowded towards the ends of branches, but not terminal;Calyx persistent, pubescent outside, 5 to 7-toothed;teeth small, deltoid;Petals 5-7, erect, free, 0.5 cm long;Fruits 1.3 cm long, trigonous, with three valves and three heartshaped, 1-seeded pyrenes, winged, along the margins


-Debris of fibres, rectangular cork cells, very few yellowish oil globules and numerous, small or large, oval to round or rhomboidal crystalline fragments present.

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