shallaki :
Use in other system of medicine:
Therapeutic Uses mentioned in Unani Medicine:
Skin and Cosmetics:
Its application with honey removes whitlow, its bark is moderately effective in removing the scars
Its local application is useful in septic wound . With duck fat it is useful in daad (ringworm infection) .
It is useful in healing the wet wounds and ulcers .
Its use with sirka (vinegar) and roghan zaitoon (olive oil) is useful in daad .
Swelling: It is incorporated in the plasters which are made to dissolve the inflammation of viscera. It is useful in hot inflammation of the breast in confined women. It is used with rose oil and camolian earth .
Ulcers: Particularly when it is fresh, it is a good wound healing drug and prevents the spread of malignant ulcers. It is applied with duck fat in ringworm infection. It is also beneficial in burn- wounds and cold fissures with swine fat. It is also helpful in healing burned ulcers . It is useful in all types of septic ulcers and septic ulcers of anus and stops its spread. However it should be used dissolved in milk and used as humool (pessaries) . Its use with honey is beneficial in wounds of burn
Head: It strengthen memory when taken as infusion regularly in fasting. However, it excessive use causes headache. To remove the dandruff and drying the ulcer it is applied with sodium nitrate 19. Kundur dissolved in alcohol is useful earache .It stops nasal hemorrhage. It is useful drug for treating contusions of the ear. It dries rutoobat dimaghi and balgham .It is useful to clear the voice and with gum of babool is useful in shortness of breath and halitosis . It is useful in nisya’n
Eye: It heals and fills up ophthalmic ulcers and matures the associate chronic swellings. Its smoke is useful in hot swellings, stops the influx of ophthalmic fluid, heals serious ulcers and cleanses the underlying pus from the cornea. It is an important drug meant to be used in red and chronic pterygium and also for treating cancer of the eye . It is useful in eye diseases such as zakhm, jila basr, sartaan wa warm chashm It is useful in night blindness 10.According to Jalinoos, surma of kundur is useful in dissolving the blood, which is accumulated in the eye .
Respiratory and cardiovascular system: It is used as tonic as it is having muqawwie qalb wa hafiza (heart tonic) property. It is useful in kafqan (palpitation), chronic cough, and dama (asthma). Kundur with honey is useful in phlegmatic cough Kundur (1 g) with luwab zamaq arabi is used in sual sho’abi and itsa’ sho’abi 14.It is given along with other drugs in inflammation of organs and pneumonia. Its use with teen qemuliya and roghan gul (rose oil) is helpful in warm har (hot inflammation) of breast during puerperium .
Gastrointenstinal tract: It stops vomiting and even hematemesis. It facilitates digestion . It is useful in haemoptysis, hemorrhage and stomache
Genitourinary tract: It stops diarrhea, sprue and bleeding from the anus and uterus. Its suppository stops the spread of malignant ulcers in the anal region .It is helpful to stop bleeding from any part of the body . It is useful in taqteerul boul (dribbling of urine) cause by zoafe quwate masika . Kundur and sa’d (in equal quantity), 4 g orally, is used in taqteerul boul. Locally, it is useful in chronic sailanur rehm (leucorrhoea). Kundur, half fried egg yolk, jaiphal and javitri is useful as aphrodisiac and toleeda mani
Fevers: It is useful for treating phlegmatic fevers.
- » Classification and names of shallaki
- » Synonyms and definitions of shallaki
- » Drug Properties of shallaki
- » Chemical Constituents of shallaki
- » Standardization of shallaki
- » Parts used and Dosage of shallaki
- » Morphology and Histology of shallaki
- » Distribution and Conservation of shallaki
- » Cultivation of shallaki
- » shallaki in the market
- » Medicinal Uses of shallaki
- » Researches and clinical trails of shallaki
- » shallaki in other sytems of medicine
- » Ayurvedic formulations with shallaki
- » Images of shallaki