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Uses of plaksha - Ficus lacor Ham.

plaksha :

plaksha  : Ficus lacor Ham.

Therapeutic Uses:

प्लक्ष: कषाय: शिशिरो व्रणयोनिगदापह:│
दाहपित्तकफास्त्रघनं शोथहा रक्त्तपित्तह्रत││
रक्त्तदोषहरो मुर्च्छाप्रलाभ्रमनाशनन:│भा प्र
पिप्परीस्तुवर :शीतो व्रणयोनीविसर्पनुत् l
दाहपित्तकफास्रघ्नो मेद: पित्तास्रशोफजित् l l कै नि
प्लक्ष : कटूकषायश्च शितालो रक्तपित्तजित् l
मूर्च्छा श्रमप्रलापाश्च हरेत्प्लक्षो विशेषतः l l ध .नि

External Application –

External application of Twak churna of Plaksha is advisiable in Shoth,Visarpa ,Raktastrava and Vrana.
Decoction of Bark of Plaksha is advisible in case of mouth ulcers.
Benefits : Being stambhana in niramaavastha of atisara, pravahika, n niramaraktapitta It is raktashodhana in nature hence used in raktadushti.

Pradar Roga- As it is stambhaka in nature hence it is used , in rakta and shvetapradara.uttarbasti of bark decoction of Plaksha or Yonivarti of Plaksha bark is used for the treatment of Rakta and Shweta Pradar.

Prameha- Useful in prameha being mootrasangrahaneeya and being sheeta in daha.

The dried bark powder of plaksha is used to sprinkle on wounds for better healing and stopage  of bleeding

Decoction prepared from bark  of plaksha is used for gargaling in case of mouth ulcer and gingivitis.

cold infusion prepared from bark of plaksha is used to treat nausea,vertigo and epileptic seizers.

Bark decoction of Plakshais used to treat diarrhea.

Bark paste of plaksha is applied over the area ffected with herpes and wounds.

In unani medicine plaksha murabba is used to treat splenomegaly .

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