patrangah :
पतंग मधुरं शीतं पित्त श्लेष्म व्रणास्त्रनुत् /
हरीचन्दनवद् वेद्द विशेषाद् दाहनाशनम् // भा प्र
Taxonomical Classification
Order: RosalesFamily: Fabaceae
Sanskrit: Patangah, Patranga, Pattanga, Bharyavriksha, Kashtha, Kuchandana, Lohitaranga, Patanga, Patranga, Pattaranga, Pattaranjaka, Pattranya, Pattura, Raktaka, Raktasar, Ranjana, Rogakashtha, Suranga, SurangadaEnglish: sappan wood, Brazil wood
Hindi: Pagang, Bakam
Telugu: Bukkapuchettu
Bengali: Bokom
Gujarathi: Patang
Tamil: Anaikuntrumani, Padangam, Patungam, Sappangu, Varattangi
Malayalam: Chappangam, Pathimukham
Kannada: Chappanga, Patanga, Patranga, Sappanga
Assamese: Baggam, Bakam
Mentions / Gana
Karpuradi varga (Bhavaprakasha)Synonyms
Synonyms in Ayurveda: patranga, patranga, patanga, pattaranjaka, pattanga, ruktamuktaRasa: Kashaya Madhura Tikta
Guna: Ruksha
Veerya: Sheetha
Vipaka: Katu
Karma: Kapha-pittaghna
Quatha- 40 to 80 ml.Powder -2 to 4 gm
Habit – a tree grows upto 30 ft. in height. Stem – Prickly, 15 to 25 cm in diameter. Branches – Armed with small prickles. Leaves – Compound, 20 to 40 cm long, pinnae are 8 to 12 pairs, 10 to 15 cm long, small prickles are seen at the base. Leaflets are 10 to 18 pairs, 1 to 2 cm long and 1 cm wide, subsessile, glabrous above and puberulous beneath. Inflorescence – Panicle, terminal and also seen in the axils of upper leaves 30 to 40 cm long. Flowers – yellow in colour. Fruits – Pods 7.5 to 10 cm long, 4 to 5 cm wide, woody, obliquely oblong, subcompressed. In dehiscent with a hard recurved short beak at the upper angle will have 3 to 4 seedsTherapeutic Uses:
पतंग मधुरं शीतं पित्त श्लेष्म व्रणास्त्रनुत् /
हरीचन्दनवद् वेद्द विशेषाद् दाहनाशनम् // भा प्र
कुचंदनं तु तिक्त स्यात् सुगन्धी व्रण रोपणम् / ध .नि
वातपित्तज्वरघ्नच विस्फोटोन्माद भूत हृत् ‘// रा .नि
It is useful in atisara as stambhana. In raktaas shonitasthapana. It is also useful in unmade, apasmara as akshepahara; as kusthaghna and dahashamak. Its decoction should be given internally and used as uttarabasti as thereby it acts as stambhana in rakta and shvetapradara.
– Dried heartwood used against inflammation.
– Decoction is used as diuretic.
– Roots, stems and seeds used as sedative and vulnerary.
It is also known as ” Kuchandan ” in dhanwantari and rajnighntu churna of Patranga used for vranaropan and raktasthambh
Systemic Use:
In case of rohini application of Patanga(Caesalpinia sappan) with sugar and honey is much beneficial
Improve renal functions
A Bark decoction is given.
Itches, urticaria and rashes
Heart wood paste with coconut milk is applied externally.
Thirst and urinary disorders due to diabetes
Heart wood decoction is taken before sleep.
Bioassay-guided fractionation of a methanol extract of the seeds of Caesalpiniasappan led to the isolation of 12 new cassane type diterpenes, caesalsappanins A-L (1-12). Their structures were elucidated on the basis of NMR and HRESIMS analysis, and the absolute configuration of compound I was determined by single-crystal X-Ray crystallography.Ayurvedic Formulations:
Common Ayurvedic Formulations of patrangah with their Indications- » Classification and names of patrangah
- » Synonyms and definitions of patrangah
- » Drug Properties of patrangah
- » Chemical Constituents of patrangah
- » Standardization of patrangah
- » Parts used and Dosage of patrangah
- » Morphology and Histology of patrangah
- » Distribution and Conservation of patrangah
- » Cultivation of patrangah
- » patrangah in the market
- » Medicinal Uses of patrangah
- » Researches and clinical trails of patrangah
- » patrangah in other sytems of medicine
- » Ayurvedic formulations with patrangah
- » Images of patrangah