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Distribution and conservation of guduci - Tinospora cordifolia Mi..

guduci :

guduci  : Tinospora cordifolia Miers

Geographical distribution:

The plant occurs throughout tropical regions of India extending from Kumaon to Assam and Myanmar, Bihar, Konkan to Sri Lanka. It is a large climber which grows over the highest trees in the forests and throws out aerial roots which reach the length of 10 metres, though not thicker than pack-thread. 
Global distribution - Srilanka,  India,  Bangladesh  and Myanmar. 


Endophytic fungi regarded as a fascinating group of organisms colonize the living, internal tissues of their host (usually higher plants) without causing any harmful effects. A recent study has shown that 29 endophytes belonging to different taxa were present in the samples collected from T. cordifolia.

Extracts of the endophytic fungus Nigrospora sphaerica obtained from T. cordifolia were found to have insecticidal properties against the Oriental leafworm moth (Spodoptera litura), a polyphagous pest.

Plant conservation:

Not in conserved list.
It is found growing  wild in the tropical  forest.

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