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Morphology and Histology of gambhari - Gmelina arborea Linn.

gambhari :

gambhari : Gmelina arborea Linn.


Root –

·         Occurs in pieces with secondary and tertiary branches,

·         root pieces nearly cylindrical with uneven surface, greyish brown, fracture somewhat tough in bark, brittle and predominant in woody portion.

Root bark-

mature root bark when fresh, yellowish in colour, 

dry pieces curved and channelled,

thinner ones forming single quills, 

external surface rugged due to presence of vertical cracks, ridges, fissures and numerous lenticels, 

fracture short and granular

Flowers- appearing with or sometimes before the young leaves, usually in small cymes of about three flowers arranged along the branches of a densely fulvous- hairy panicle reaching 30cm. long; buds clavate, angular; bracts 8mm. long, linear- lanceolate Calyx 5mm. long, broadly campanulate, densely fulvous- hairy; teeth 5, small, triangular, acute. Corolla brownish yellow, densely hairy outside reaching 3.8cm long, 5- lobed, 2- lipped; upper lip rather more than 1cm long, deeply divided into 2 oblong, obtuse lobes; lower lip nearly 2.5cm long, 3- lobed, the middle lobe projecting forward, ovate, sub obtuse, with irregularly crenulate margin, much longer and broader than the obovate rounded lateral lobes. 

Fruits- Drupe, 2- 2.5cm long, ovoid or pyriform, smooth, orange yellow when ripe


transverse section of root shows 
6-8 layers of cork cells, 
secondary cortex, including primary and secondary phloem about two third consisting of wood, cork brownish, 
cells arranged in tangential direction and broken at places towards upper layers, 
cortex characterised by the presence of thin-walled parenchymatous cells with starch grains , 
resin ducts present in abundance throughout cortex, scattered stone cells fibre like or elongated common, 
fibres present, occurring mostly in singles, 
cells of cortex also contain rosette crystals of calcium oxalate and oil globules, 
primary phloem characterised by the presence of sieve tubes with companion cells, phloem parenchyma, soft bast fibres and ray cells, 
phloem fibres occur singly and scattered cortical cells 40-70 µ by 25-35 µ and bast fibres, 300-1000 µ by 10-15 µ 
development of cork takes place in second or third layer of primary cortex, 
wood consists of simple pitted wood parenchyma and medullary rays, wood cells mainly composed of vessels and tracheids and 
inner wood consists of a major portion of fibres together with a few vessels, vessels numerous and form almost a ring near the periphery of xylem cylinder and somewhat spares, being scattered in groups or singly nearer the central region, lumen of vessels somewhat large, dimensions of vessels 130-250 µ by 50-100 µ and
those of the tracheids 175-300 µ by 30-50 µ wood fibres abundant and with simple pits , cambium distinct, 
medullary rays generally 1-2 celled thick with abundant starch grains cells oblong to rectangular.

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