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Conclusion - gambhari - Gmelina arborea Linn.

gambhari :

gambhari : Gmelina arborea Linn.


Gambhari (Gmelina arborrea Linn.), commonly known as Candhar Tree is a member of Verbenaceae family. Gambhari embraces in itself miraculous therapeutic activities. It is present in dahaprashmak, virechanopag, shyawathuhar mahakashaya and among rasayan dravyas. Its fruits are raktasangrahik, raktapitta prashamak, keshya and medhya. It is a part of many important formulations like Chayawanprash, Brahmrasayana etc. It is also included in Agraya dravyas of Charaka. Root bark of Gambhari is one of the ten ingredients of Dashmula and in particular Brihatpanchmula. Dashmulrishta is one of those Ayurvedic formulation which is most commonly used in India. Modern researches prove it to be Anti-inflammatory, Anti-oxidant, immunity enhancer, Anti-diabetic etc. It is also in prevalent use among tribal people as remedy for piles, hair problems, decreased sperm count, stomach disorders, septic wounds, vomiting, diarrhea, gonorrhea, snake bite etc. Ayurvedic system of medicine is gaining popularity worldwide mainly because of the realization that it is not only effective but also relatively free from harmful side effects

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