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Chemical constituants of akarakarabha - Anacylus pyrethrum

akarakarabha :

Flowering plant


Analysis has shown a brown, resinous, acrid substance, insoluble in potassium hydroxide and probably containing pelletonin, two oils soluble in potassium hydroxide - one dark brown and acrid, the other yellow - tannin, gum, potassium sulphate and carbonate, potassium chloride, calcium phosphate and carbonate, silica, alumina, lignin, etc. 
An alkaloid, Pyrethrine, yielding pyrethric acid, is stated to be the active principle.


Important formulations

  1. Akarakara Curna
  2. Akarakarabhadi Curna
  3. Akarakarabhadi Vati
  4. Akarakaradi Guggul
  5. Jatiphaladi Vati

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