akarakarabha :
Taxonomical Classification
Kingdom: Plantae - Plants
Subkingdom: Streptophyta
Superdivision: Spermatophyta - Seed plants
Division: Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants
Class: Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons
Order: Asteraless
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Anacyclus
Species: Anacyclus Pyrethrum
Allied species:
Anthemis pyrethrum, Anacyclus officinarum, Matricaria officinarumVERNACULAR NAMES
Sanskrit: Akarkara,Agragrahi, AkarakarabhaEnglish: pellitory , Mount Atlas Daisy, Spanish Chamomile etc.
Hindi: Akarkara
Urdu: Aaqarqarha ﺋﺎﻗﺮﻗﺮﺣﺎ
Telugu: Akarakaram
Bengali: Aakarkara
Marathi: Akkalakara
Oriya: Akarakara
Gujarathi: Akkorakaro
Tamil: Akkirakaram
Malayalam: Akkikkaruka
Kannada: Aakala kaare
Punjabi: Akarkara
Arabic: Aquargarha
Spanish: Pelitre romano, Raíz de pelitre romano
Assamese: Kulekhara
Japanese: ア ナキクルス Anakikurusu, ア ナキクルス・ピレスルム Anakikurusu piresurumu, ピレトリウム Piretoriumu.
French: Pyrèthre, Pyrèthre d’Afrique, Pyrèthre salivaire, Œil de bouc, Pariétaire d’Espagne.
German: Franzosenwursel, Marokkokamille, Römische Bertramswurzel, Römischer Bertram, Speichelwurz , Zahnwurzel .
Nepal: Akarakala (Akarkala), Akarakara (Akarkara).
Persian: عاقرقرحا , بابونه زرد .
Sinhalese: Akkarakkara, Akrapatta, Jallpattan
Greek: Ανάκυκλος ο πύρεθρος Anakiklos o pyrethros, Πύρεθρον Pyrethron.
Akarkara (Anacyclus pyrethrum DC) is a plant used single or in various combinations for multiple purposes in Ayurveda. In Brihatrayee, this plant has not been described. It has been described for the first time in Shodhala Nighantu (Gada Nigraha) by Vaidya Shodhala as Akallaka in 12AD. Later on, Akarkarahas been described in most of the Ayurvedic treatises . This drug has been used by Unani physicians since ancient time. Dioscorides (1st century AD), Jalinus (131-210 AD), Ibne Sina, Ishaque bin Imran, Abu Marwan bin Zohar (Avenzoar), mentioned this herb in their books- » Classification and names of akarakarabha
- » Synonyms and definitions of akarakarabha
- » Drug Properties of akarakarabha
- » Chemical Constituents of akarakarabha
- » Standardization of akarakarabha
- » Parts used and Dosage of akarakarabha
- » Morphology and Histology of akarakarabha
- » Distribution and Conservation of akarakarabha
- » Cultivation of akarakarabha
- » akarakarabha in the market
- » Medicinal Uses of akarakarabha
- » Researches and clinical trails of akarakarabha
- » akarakarabha in other sytems of medicine
- » Ayurvedic formulations with akarakarabha
- » Images of akarakarabha