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Morphology and Histology of mashithandu - Peperomia pellucida

mashithandu - Peperomia pellucida -


Mashithandu -  Peperomia pellucida


Delicate, glabrous annual herbs; stems erect, 5-30 cm tall, pellucid, branched when well developed. Leaves simple, alternate throughout, 1-3 cm long and wide, triangular ovate, cordate at base with a sinus 1-2 mm deep, obtuse or shortly acuminate at apex, pellucid, palmately 5-7 nerved from the base; petiole 6-15 mm long, clasping decurrent along the stem. Spikes solitary, terminal but frequently leaf-opposed by overtopping, 2-5 cm long, slender, axis glabrous; peduncle 2-5 cm long, about as thick as spike axis; bracts 0.2-0.3 mm in diameter. Flowers scarcely immersed. Ovary with a fleshy, oblique, subapical stigma. Fruit sessile, about 0.8 mm long, globose-ellipsoid, with an apical stigma, longitudinally striate-undulate, blackish brown at maturity.

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