tejasvini :

Land preparation and fertilizer application
- Land may be ploughed two to three times using disc harrow and cultivator to make it friable and weed-free.
- About 10– 12 tonnes per hectare of FYM (farmyard manure) should be mixed with the soil as a basal dose before transplantation.
Transplanting and optimum spacing
- After 10–12 months of growth in the nursery, transplanting in the field can be done during May–June if irrigation facilities are available.
- Otherwise, it is done in July–August (monsoon season) under rain-fed conditions.
- A spacing of 50 cm × 50 cm is recommended, which accommodates about 40 000 plants per hectare.
Interculture and maintenance practices
- Weeding should be carried out during the initial establishment phase, 30–45 days after transplanting, and again at 60–80 days after transplanting.
- Later, weeding may be carried out only as and when required.
Intercropping system
- The plant can be grown as a mono crop as well as a mixed crop with herbaceous species.
Irrigation practices
- The plant requires frequent irrigation during the establishment stage.
- Once established, the plants are able to survive in rain-fed conditions and only life-support irrigation is required during the summer months.
- Freshly harvested seeds are best for the large-scale cultivation of Zanthoxylum species. Mature seeds can be collected in June–July.
- In the absence of sufficient seeds, terminal stem cuttings may be used as propagules.
Crop maturity and harvesting
- Flowering appears on five-year-old plants in March–May.
- Fruiting occurs in July–August.
- The crop, thus, takes five to seven years to mature.
- Fruits are collected in May–June.
- Stem pieces, if needed, may be cut during January–February before the flowers appear.
- » Classification and names of tejasvini
- » Synonyms and definitions of tejasvini
- » Drug Properties of tejasvini
- » Chemical Constituents of tejasvini
- » Standardization of tejasvini
- » Parts used and Dosage of tejasvini
- » Morphology and Histology of tejasvini
- » Distribution and Conservation of tejasvini
- » Cultivation of tejasvini
- » tejasvini in the market
- » Medicinal Uses of tejasvini
- » Researches and clinical trails of tejasvini
- » tejasvini in other sytems of medicine
- » Ayurvedic formulations with tejasvini
- » Images of tejasvini