sahacara :

The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine, and is also occasionally used as a food.
Taxonomical Classification
Kingdom: Plantae - Plants
Division: Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants
Class: Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons
Family: FlacourtiaceaeSamydaceae
Genus: Casearia
Species: Casearia esculenta
Sanskrit: सप्तचक्र Saptachakra, स्वर्णमूलः SvarnamulahEnglish: wild cowry fruit , Chinese salacia
Hindi: सप्तरंगी Saptrangi
Telugu: కొండ గంగుడు Konda Gangudu
Bengali: dimal
Marathi: कुळकुळटा Kulkulta, किरमीरा Kirmira
Konkani: Satagan
Tamil: குட்டி Kutti, காக்கைப்பலா Kakkai-p-pal
Malayalam: മലമ്പാവെട്ട Malampaavetta, ചാറുക്കുന്നം Cherukkunnam, വെള്ളക്കുന്നം Vellakkunnam
Kannada: Hillange
Synonyms in Ayurveda: sairyakaThis herb is with seven whorls in its stem with a dark yellow colored bark- it gives the name Saptarangi- Saptachakra means seven whorls- to this.
Rasa: Kashaya Tikta
Guna: Laghu Ruksha Teeskhsna
Veerya: Ushna
Vipaka: Katu
Karma: Kaphahara Pittahara
he root and the root bark are extensively used in the indigenous system of medicine as an anti diabetic due to their hypoglycemic activity. The roots are especially efficacious in milder chronic diabetic cases. The root contains leucopelargonidin, arabinose, dulcitol. ß-sitosterol and another sterol, and two resinous substances having hypoglycemic activity have also been reported.
Not knownPropogation:
Flowering in September-October; fruiting in January-MarchParts used for medicinal purpose
Bark, Root, ,Dosage:
- Powder- 1-3 g
- Decoction - 50 -100 ml
It grows in forests. Occurs at an altitude of up to 800 m above sea levelPlant conservation:
not evaluatedGeneral Use:
1.Saptarangi is useful in kapha-vata disorders.
2.Saptarangi also purifies pitta.
This herb is with seven whorls in its stem with a dark yellow colored bark- it gives the name Saptarangi- Saptachakra means seven whorls- to this. Saptachakra, Casearia essculanta is a drug of choice for diabetes. It works on the root cause of the diabetes and gives relief to the condition of diabetes by regulating the functions of liver and pancreas.KEY WORDS: Saptachakra , Casearia esculenta
- » Classification and names of sahacara
- » Synonyms and definitions of sahacara
- » Drug Properties of sahacara
- » Chemical Constituents of sahacara
- » Standardization of sahacara
- » Parts used and Dosage of sahacara
- » Morphology and Histology of sahacara
- » Distribution and Conservation of sahacara
- » Cultivation of sahacara
- » sahacara in the market
- » Medicinal Uses of sahacara
- » Researches and clinical trails of sahacara
- » sahacara in other sytems of medicine
- » Ayurvedic formulations with sahacara
- » Images of sahacara