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Uses artagala in other systems of medicine

artagala :

The leaves of a plant growing in the open are generally very prickly Photograph by: Vengolis

Use in other system of medicine:

- Decoction of 30-60 g of dried material used for acute and chronic hepatitis, swelling-enlargement of the liver and spleen, swelling and enlargement of the lymph nodes, gastralgia, asthma.
- Decoction of roots and leaves used for asthma; also, to aid expectoration.
- Root boiled in milk used for leucorrhea and general debility.
- Used for gastrointestinal pains. 
- Leaves are high in mucilage and used as emollient fomentation in rheumatism.
- Young leaves used as an antidote for snake venom.
- In India, popularly used for its wound healing effects; tender shoots and leaves used for snake bites.
- In Malaysia, leaves used for rheumatism, neuralgia, and poison arrow wounds. 
- In Thailand, decoction of whole plant used for kidney stones.
- In Goa, mucilaginous leaves used as emollient in rheumatism and neuralgia.
- Ground fresh bark is used as antiseptic.
- Decoction of leaves for pain and as blood purifier.
- In Ayurvedic medicine, it is one of 9 plants in the drug Sahachara, used for rheumatic complaints. 
- Plant decoction with sugar candy and cumin used for dyspepsia with acid eructations. Also used as diuretic and cure for dropsy and bilious swellings. Leaves used for snake bites, and roots used for asthma and as expectorant. Plant boiled in milk used for leucorrhea and general debility.  
- In Siam and Indo-China, roots used for paralysis and asthma.
- Soap: Plant is used in the manufacture of soap; the lye prepared from the ash.

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