mallika :

General Use:
Jasmine Sambac oil is also used as a tonic to the brain. The flowers are also used for reducing fever, treating hiccoughs, bee stings, swollen eyes, insomnia and vomiting. It is proven effective in the treatment of gastric ulcer and peptic ulcer with its antigastric ulcer effect. Being a lactifuge, Jasmine Sambac flowers are used traditionally for arresting the secretion of breast milk in a day or two.Therapeutic Uses:
The Jasminum sambac flower is used for removing intestinal worms and is also used for jaundice and venereal diseases. The flower buds are useful in treating ulcers, vesicles, boils, skin diseases and eye disorders. The leaves extracts against breast tumours. The leaves are antiseptic and are useful for wounds or acne when used as a poultice. Drinking Jasmine tea regularly helps in curing cancer.
The dried flowers of Jasminum sambac are used by the Chinese to flavor jasmine tea. Jasmine tea is most commonly consumed with or after meals as a digestive aid.
Systemic Use:
Both the leaves and flowers are used medicinally, although the leaves have a stronger action than the flowers They are antiamoebic, astringent, febrifuge and galactofuge
A decoction is used internally as a treatment for fever. An infusion is employed in the treatment of pulmonary catarrh, bronchitis, and also asthma
A poultice of the leaves is applied externally to treat skin complaints and wounds. The bruised leaves or flowers are applied as a poultice to the breasts of lactating women to discourage the production of breast milk. An infusion of the flowers is applied to the eyelids as a decongestant
The stems are employed as an antipyretic and in the treatment of abscesses
A tincture made from the root is said to have very strong sedative, anaesthetic and vulnerary properties.
The root is given fresh to treat fevers and venereal diseases A decoction is employed in the treatment of pulmonary catarrh, bronchitis, and also asthma
The roots are used externally as poultices for sprains and fractures
A poultice of the leaves is applied externally to treat skin complaints and wounds. The bruised leaves or flowers are applied as a poultice to the breasts of lactating women to discourage the production of breast milk. An infusion of the flowers is applied to the eyelids as a decongestant
The stems are employed as an antipyretic and in the treatment of abscesses
A tincture made from the root is said to have very strong sedative, anaesthetic and vulnerary properties.
The root is given fresh to treat fevers and venereal diseases A decoction is employed in the treatment of pulmonary catarrh, bronchitis, and also asthma
The roots are used externally as poultices for sprains and fractures
Collect buds and newly opened flowers, sun-dry after harvest.Pharmacological:
· Considered an aphrodisiac, anti-depressant, antiseptic, cicatrisant, expectorant, anti-spasmodic, galactagogue, sedative, parturient, and uterine tonic.
· Leaves and flowers, antipyretic and decongestant; roots, analgesic.
· Flowers considered lactifuge.
· Flower extract considered deodorant.
· Roots considered purgative, expectorant, anthelmintic.
- » Classification and names of mallika
- » Synonyms and definitions of mallika
- » Drug Properties of mallika
- » Chemical Constituents of mallika
- » Standardization of mallika
- » Parts used and Dosage of mallika
- » Morphology and Histology of mallika
- » Distribution and Conservation of mallika
- » Cultivation of mallika
- » mallika in the market
- » Medicinal Uses of mallika
- » Researches and clinical trails of mallika
- » mallika in other sytems of medicine
- » Ayurvedic formulations with mallika
- » Images of mallika