kushtha :

Taxonomical Classification
Family: AsteraceaeVERNACULAR NAMES
English: kuth root, costusSynonyms
Synonyms in Ayurveda: kushtha, yapya, brahmatirtha, pushkarasya, shvasari, padmatirtha, pushkarsagar, shulahara, punyasagar, gadaParts used for medicinal purpose
Root, ,General Use:
Rasayana / rejuvenation:
It is recommended for the rejuvenation of each and every part of the body.
Kushta also act as a fine detoxifier as it has ability to flush out toxins hence enhancing rejuvenation.
Recommended as a supplement in infertility as it specially nurtures the reproductive organs i.e. why it also works well in menstrual disorders especially painful menstrual cycle.
It is mentioned as Sukrasodhana: Group of herbs that cleanse semen, correct sperm morphology
Skin and pain
Kushth is also beneficial in skin diseases, ulcers, arthritis, inflammation, skin healing. It is a potent anti-inflammatory, which relieves joint aches and pains, as a result of gout or rheumatism.
Kushta is a useful uterine stimulant. Kushta is effective in regulating menstrual cycles and end painful periods.
Arthritis - Kushta is also anti-inflammatory agent that brings good results in arthritis, joint disease, rheumatism, and back problems.
Therapeutic Uses:
Mentioned in group of medicines under:
Lekhaniya (for scrubbing): Group of herbs that have scraping, fat reducing activity (Udwarthana - type of treatment that we do in our clinic with herbal powder)
Asthapanopaga: Group of herbs used in Basti treatment (Enema)
Systemic Use:
Kushta churna (powder) is applied with butter milk as lepa (paste) for inflammation.
3-5 gm of Kushta powder with honey help to relieve cough and asthma
3-5 gm with warm water helps in indigestion and anorexia
Main Medicine Combinations
Krimighna kashaya / Krimighna Gulika / Krimishodini: It is a decoction used in the treatment of worm infestation (Helminthiasis) This Kashaya is derived from Krimighna Gana of Charaka.
Asana eladi taila: It is a herbal oil used in the treatment of headache, ear and eye diseases. It is used for external application only.
Brihat purnachandra Rasa: It is a medicine in tablet form, used in anti- ageing therapy, digestive disorders, cough, cold, asthma, anorexia, abdominal colic pain, low back ache, heart burn, indigestion, gastritis, fistula, jaundice, anemia, urinary tract disorders, gout.
- » Classification and names of kushtha
- » Synonyms and definitions of kushtha
- » Drug Properties of kushtha
- » Chemical Constituents of kushtha
- » Standardization of kushtha
- » Parts used and Dosage of kushtha
- » Morphology and Histology of kushtha
- » Distribution and Conservation of kushtha
- » Cultivation of kushtha
- » kushtha in the market
- » Medicinal Uses of kushtha
- » Researches and clinical trails of kushtha
- » kushtha in other sytems of medicine
- » Ayurvedic formulations with kushtha
- » Images of kushtha