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Distribution and conservation of kumari - Aloe vera Linn., Aloe b..

kumari :

kumari  : Aloe vera Linn., Aloe barbadensis

Geographical distribution:

Ghritkumari is native to the Mediterranean region of North Africa, Canary Islands and Southern Europe. It is cultivated in USA, Mexico, Asia, southern Europe, Aruba, Bonaire, Bermuda, West Indies, the Bahamas, Central and South America. It spreads as wild in the coasts and coastal regions of south India. It also grows in parts of these cities, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Gujarat.


Aloe plants do very well in arid climates and will survive with little to no attention.

Plant conservation:

Many aloes are regarded as endangered species. Various threats exist, and they can be placed into three main categories: over-collection of plants for cultivation, destruction of plants in harvesting leaf exudates and destruction of natural habitats.

Attempts to protect aloes as endangered species have been made at two levels — national and international. Many countries have signed various international agreements on the conservation of biodiversity, though the will to act, which is implied by the signature, is not always translated into action.

The most effective protection attempt at the international level is provided by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), started in 1976. This convention aims at controlling the movement of endangered species and derivatives between countries, prohibiting trade in some species (listed in CITES Appendix I) and requiring official documentation for numerous other species (listed in CITES Appendix II). 

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