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Morphology and Histology of indravaruni - Cucumis trigonus Roxb.

indravaruni :

Cucumis trigonus


Annual, herbaceous creeping herb  Leaves sub orbicular, 3-6cm across, scabrous, 5-7 shallowly lobed, margin dentate or lobulate, hispid; petioles 2-5 cm long slender, hispid . Stem slender, scabrous. Flowers are small, yellow, solitary or rarely in pairs or threes. Male flowers in fascicle; peduncles 5-10 mm long. Calyx tube campanulate, 2-3 mm long, teeth subulate, corolla yellow, 2-7 mm long, lobes ovate oblong, acute. Anthers 1.5 mm long; appendage of the connective shorter than the anthers; pistillode 1 mm long.
Female flowers are solitary, peduncles 2-3 cm long, densely hairy .Fruits pepo, oval-round, sometimes obscurely trigonus, variable in size smooth and glabrous, 4 x 2.5 cm, longitudinally variegated with 10 green strips ,Pale yellow or red when ripe (Plate: I-g-J). Seeds ovate–oblong, compressed smooth, pale yellow 

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