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Uses of bola - Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl.

bola :

bola  : Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl.

General Use:

Myrrh is used for indigestion, ulcers, colds, cough, asthma, lung congestion, arthritis pain, cancer, leprosy, spasms, and syphilis. It is also used as a stimulant and to increase menstrual flow. It applied directly to the mouth for soreness and swelling, inflamed gums (gingivitis), loose teeth, bad breath, and chapped lips. It is also used topically for hemorrhoids, bedsores, wounds, abrasions, and boils, pain relief, including menstrual pain resulting from blood stagnation. Treat throat and mouth inflammation, swelling, conjunctivitis, cold sores and cancer sores, leucorrhea, heavy periods, used locally to treat boils, abscess, applied locally to treat gum disorders, sore throat etc.

Therapeutic Uses:

Myrrh is used either alone or with other medicinal herbs both internally and externally. It constricts mucous membrane of mouth and used as a gargle treat oral problems. Myrrh is also used topically in the treatment of skin diseases, infections and wounds due to its antimicrobial action.

Systemic Use:

Myrrh stimulates the production of gastric juices, tones the digestive tract and used to treat diarrhoea, flatulence, dyspepsia, loss of appetite. Stimulates the production of menstrual blood (emmenagogue). Also used to treat genital infections, leucorrhoea, thrush, scanty periods, used for haemorrhoids, arthritis has expectorant activity and is also used for flu, catarrh, bronchitis, asthma, sore throat. Stimulates the production of white blood cells regeneration of skin cells, assists in the healing of wounds. Myrrh treats eczema, wounds, wrinkles and has very good mollifying qualities. Use of myrrh imparts a cooling, calming effect, combating apathy and increasing mental clarity and focus. Myrrh is also administered as horse tincture in veterinary practice for healing wounds. Because of its anti-fungal properties it can be used as a vaginal wash for thrush or in a footbath for athletes foot.


-Most often as a tincture, or the essential oil, rarely teas or capsule form.

Full body bath, foot bath

Compress, massage, ointment,
skin care
Direct inhalation, diffuser, oil

Mouth wash
As a rinse or gargle, the recommended dose for the treatment of mild inflammations of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa is 5-10 drops of myrrh tincture in a glass of water.


Pachana, Deepana, Medhya, Vrushya, Garbhashaya, Vishodhana, Jwara, Kushta, Apasmara, Arsha, Bhagna, Svedagraha, Pradara, Raktadosha.

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