Dibya Dham Ayurved Hospital
‘Dibyadham’ is a multispecialty ayurved hospital & training centre in Orissa. It is based ayurved treatment like Panchakarma therapy, Ksharasutra therapy & Yoga therapy. We have three branches at Cuttack, Bhubaneswar & Rourkela. To be fit and ready for competitive life, it is essential to take a complete break once in a while. The rejuvenation program at our treatment centre not only gives you that break, but also recharges your lost energy.
The package comprises of traditional Ayurvedic treatments, along with Yogic exercises, a balanced diet and individual health counseling & a complete health profile. The package will be tailor-made to meet the specific health needs of each person. The personalized therapy and activities programs is designed to meet individual needs and health goals de-stress, detoxification and cleansing, deep relaxation, anti-aging, weight & inch loss, while also offering guidance in the areas of nutrition and exercise.
Dr. Umakanta Pattnaik - Chief Physician / Managing Trustee, BAMS (Hons) Utkal. He is consulting Physician of Indian Medicine. He is expert-in-Panchakarma therapy and in Anorectal diseases.
Dibyadham’ is the only multi specialty ayurved hospital in Orissa based on Panchakarma herapy, Yoga therapy and Naturopathy initiated a conductive process for drafting a guideline for basic training and safely in panchakarma. We are organizing two courses affiliated to ‘Bharat Sevak Samj’ (National Development Agency Promoted by Govt. of India). Dibyadham give the assurance to all the trainee that they can got the placement after completion of the course.
The courses are; Certificate Training Course Panchakarma - 2 months (Eligibility BAMS), Certificate Training Course Panchakarma Therapy - 6 months (Eligibility BAMS & HSC pass), Certificate Training Course Panchakarma Therapy – 2 months (Eligibility HSC pass).
Ayurvedic Massage & Panchakarma Therapy – 1 month (Traditional Kalari Marama Massage), Distant learning in Ayurvedic Massge & Panchakarma Therapy – 6 months, Certificate course in Ayurvedic Body Work – 2 weeks, Ayurvedic Beauty Therapy – 2 weeks, Ayurvedic Baby Massage & Pregnancy Massage – 1 week, Diploma in Ayurveda – 3 months, Certificate course in Ayurvedic Massage & Herbology – 6 months Energy Link Healing – Part time course and Yoga & Meditation - Part time course.
The treatments offered by this hospital are; Basti karma, Virchana karma, Vamana karma, Nasya karma, Rakta moksha karma, Pizzichil, Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Netra Tarpana, Netradhara, Sweda, Navarakizhi, Patra Pinda Sweda, Udvartana, Panchakarma, Shiroabhyanga, Shiro Basti, Hrid Basti, Janu Basti, Greeva Basti, Kati Basti, Shiro Lepa, Anorectal Care Unit (Piles, Fistulae, Fissure), Khyrasutra and Dibya Sodhan (Body Purification & Detoxification Package).
The hospital provides A/C & Non A/C rooms, general dormitory beds.
It provides purely organic vegetarian food. And also serves white sugar & nightshades, but do not served chilli.
The charges are; Rs.6000/week, Rs.10000/15 days-non accommodation with food and Rs.8000/week, Rs.14,000/15days-a/c accommodation with food.
The charges for course are; Certificate Training Course Panchakarma - 10,000/- 2 months, Certificate Training Course Panchakarma Therapy - 25,000/-6 months, 10,000/-2 months and 20,000/- 6 months.
There is no air and noise pollution in the surrounding area.
The hospital is designed by vaastu
Plot No. - 1530/31, CDA, Sector - 6. Infront of D.A.V School, Cuttack – 751014, Orissa.Cuttack, Odisha, India
Nearest Railway Station: Cuttack
Nearest Airport: Bhubaneswar
Contact Info
Phone: +91 671-2506893, +91 671-2122892Website: http://www.dibyadhamorissa.com
- Courtesy: Dibya Dham Ayurved Hospital
- Courtesy: Dibya Dham Ayurved Hospital
- Courtesy: Dibya Dham Ayurved Hospital