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Morphology and Histology of Yawani - Carum copticum (Hiern), Trachy..

Yawani - Carum copticum (Hiern), Trachyspermum ammi Linn. Sprague, Ptychotis ajowan DC. - Salvadoraceae


Yawani: Carum copticum (Hiern), Trachyspermum ammi Linn. Sprague, Ptychotis ajowan DC.


An erect, glabrous or minutely pubescent, branched annual. The stems are striate; the leaves are rather distant, 2-3-pinnately divided, the segments linear. The flowers occur in terminal or seemingly-lateral pedunculate, compound umbels, white and small; the fruits are ovoid, muricate, aromatic cremocarps, greyish brown; the mericarps, which are the components of the fruit, are compressed, with distinct ridges and tubercular surface, 1-seeded.

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