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Uses of panduraphali - Stereospermum suaveolens, Stereospermum co..

panduraphali :

Stereospermum suaveolens

General Use:

The flowers with honey mixtures are used for the control of hiccup. The fruit is 
useful for the treatment of leprosy. The root has an anticancer activity and also used in preparation of Ayurvedic formulation known as Da4shmula

Therapeutic Uses:

It is bitter and astringent in taste and anusna (not very hot) in potency. It helps to balance all three doshas and manages the anorexia (aaruchi), asthma and bronchitis (shwas), inflammation and edema (shoth), vomiting (vaman), hiccups, blood disorders (raktprokap) and excessive thirst (trisha).

Systemic Use:

Root bark is an ingredient of Dasamula. Decoction of roots used in intermittent and puerperal fevers and affections of the brain. Stem bark diuretic and tonic. Flowers given with honey to stop hiccup.


Root,root bark, flowers and tender fruits are used in medicine. 


Indigestion, Hiccups, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Pain, Cough, Fever, Diabetes, Liver disorders, Asthma, Lower blood sugar, Cholesterol, Parkinson disease.

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