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Morphology and Histology of kandira - Ranunculus sceleratus Linn.

kandira :

Ranunculus sceleratus


Cursed Crowfoot is a native erect annual or short-lived perennial, growing on stout, hollow, smooth stems to 20 inches high, with branching near the top and rooting at the base of the stem. Two varieties exist, photos below are of R. sceleratus var. multifidus.

The leaves are both basal and stem, both similar in shape but the upper leaves much smaller. Leaves are kidney shaped with 3 to 5 palmate lobes, ranging from shallow to deep on the basal leaves. The margins of the lobes have large blunt teeth or secondary lobes. Basal leaves and stem leaves are stalked, with the stem leaves, being alternate, and having more slender lobes, whereas smaller leaves are on the flowering stems and are usually sessile with just 3 linear lobes. All leaves are smooth, green and fleshy.

Inflorescence: Flowers are usually solitary and stalked at the tip of stems.

The flowers are 5-parted, about 1/3 inch across, with 3 to 5 (usually 5) yellow petals with rounded tips, 3 to 5 yellow green sepals with triangular tips that are at least as long as the petals, if not slightly longer, but they bend downward. Stamens number 10 to many, have yellow anthers, and surround the green receptacle composed of numerous pistils without styles. The nectaries of the flower are right on the base of the petals. A true corolla is lacking. The central receptacle elongates at maturity as the petals drop away. Sepals are not persistent.

Seed: Fertile flowers produce a cluster of dry brown achenes on the elongated central receptacle that are flat, smooth and kidney shaped with a short triangular beak. [in var. sceleratus the seeds have transverse wrinkles]


Microscopical: Stem : Transverse section is circular in out line with a thin cuticle covering the epidermis followed by multicellular cortex having air - cavities. Distinct hypodermis and cambium absent. Vascular bundles conjoint, collateral and closed and present in peripheral region consisting of smaller and larger bundles arranged alternately and surrounded by sclerenchyma. Pith is large with central hollow region. Leaf: dorsiventral covered with small, unicellular, thin - walled, glandular hairs. Stomata anomocytic. (Pharmacopea)

This smooth perennial herb grows to a height of about 1 foot. Stem erect, glabrous, thick, succulent, hollow, and branching; juice acrid and blistering. Leaves thickish, the upper sessile or nearly so, the lobes oblong - linear and nearly entire; stem - leaves 3 - lobed, rounded; root - leaves 3 - parted, but not to the base, the lobes obtusely cut and toothed; petioles of the lower leaves long, and sheathing at their dilated bases. Flowers small, pale - yellow; sepals reflexed; petals scarcely exceeding the sepals. Fruit an oblong, cylindrical head; carpels numerous, barely mucronate.

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