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Uses guduci in other systems of medicine

guduci :

guduci  : Tinospora cordifolia Miers

Use in other system of medicine:

One study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology concluded that guduchi had immunomodulatory effects, confirming the Ayurvedic view of guduchi as a rasayana and immune-booster.15 Another study compared the anti-stress effects of guduchi and gotu kola in comparison to diazepam. Ethanol extracts of guduchi and gotu kola showed "significant anti-stress activity", especially in comparison to the pharmaceutical, diazepam.16 In a study published in Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, guduchi was found to have anti-tumor properties. According to the study, an alcohol extraction of guduchi was shown to activate tumor-associated macrophages (white blood cells that eat cancer cells).

Ayurveda describes guduchi as being useful in conditions of hepatitis and jaundice due to its ability to detoxify the liver. In a clinical trial, liver toxicity was induced in rats, followed by the administration of an alcohol extract of guduchi. The extract protected the livers of the rats, showing that guduchi has clinically significant hepatoprotective properties.

Guduchi was found to be useful in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, an allergic condition characterized by sneezing, mucus discharge from the nose, sinus congestion, and related symptoms. The study showed that guduchi gave significant relief to the allergic symptoms.

A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology showed the efficacy of guduchi in treating diabetes mellitus by lowering blood glucose levels and brain lipids in diabetic rats, concluding that guduchi extract has hypoglycaemic and hypolipidaemic effects.

Another study tested the rejuvenative potential of guduchi, examining the ability of guduchi (and ashwagandha) to reduce oxidative stress in human volunteers. The results of the study showed that both herbs are potent antioxidants that may also prevent premature aging.

Modern research has found that guduchi also has gastroprotective properties. Epoxy clerodane diterpene, a compound in guduchi, was isolated and given to rats with gastric ulcer. The compound reduced the gastic ulcer "by reinforcement of defensive elements and diminishing the offensive elements

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