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Uses of addhahpushpi - Trichodesma indicum

addhahpushpi :

General Use:

this plant is used in vitiated condition of Kapha/phlegm and Vata/wind.
It is indicated in diarrheas, dysentery, joint swelling, eczema, and wounds
The leaves and roots of the plant are pounded and applied to swelling of joints and wounds two-three times a day for 3-4 days.
For wounds, the paste of roots is applied externally.

Therapeutic Uses:

The plant is acrid, bitter in taste. In herbal medicine jargon, it is thermogenic, emollient, alexeteric, anodyne, anti-inflammatory, carminative, constipating, diuretic, depurative, ophthalmic, febrifuge and pectoral. This herb is also used in arthralgia, inflammations, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, dysentery, strangury, skin diseases and dysmenorrhoea.

Systemic Use:

A cold water infusion of the leaves is depurative. The leaves and roots are used as remedy for snake bites. The flowers are pectoral and sudorific. The root is pounded, mixed with water and given to children as a treatment for dysentery.
The root is pounded and made into a paste which is applied as a poultice to reduce swellings, especially of the joints




Scientific study show the aerial parts of the plant have significant diuretic activity which may be useful in the treatment of acute pulmonary oedema, chronic heart failure, ascites, nephrotic syndrome, and renal failure.

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