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addhahpushpi in the market

addhahpushpi :


as a substitute for Bo- rago officinalis


Hasthisunda (Heliotropicum indicum)


Gaozaban is one of the most controversial drug in Unani system of medicine.
 Gaozaban is one of the most Trichodesma indicum in Unani Text.
Several species are mentioned by the name gaozaban in the literature, these are: Anchusa strigosa J Labill, Anisomeles malabarica R Br., Borago officinalis Linn, Caccinia glauca Savi, Echium emoenum Fish, Heliotropium ophioglossum Stocks, Onosma bracteatum wall, Onosma hispidum Wall. ex D. Don, Macrotomia benthami DC R Br Trichodesma zeylanicum R. Br and Trichodesma indicum R. Br.

Commercial value:

It is used as a fertiliser and as an herbal medicine.

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