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Uses of durva - Cynodon dactylon Pers.

durva :

Flowering plants

General Use:

The paste of the durva plant is prepared and applied over fresh wounds and ulcers to control bleeding and quicken the process of healing.
In conjunctivitis, the fresh juice from the plant Cynodon dactylon is used as eye drops to reduce the reddishness, burning sensation and treat the condition.
Fresh juice of durva is given in a dose of 15-20 ml in conditions of epileptic seizures and psycho- somatic disorders.

Therapeutic Uses:

Durva is used internally for treating epilepsy, hysteria, bleeding in dysentery, piles, haematuria, epistaxis, menorrhagia, diarrhea, raktapitta, syphilis, urinary tract infection and many other diseases.

Systemic Use:

Durva is useful in gynaecological problems related to uterus. It strengthen uterus and stops abnormal uterine bleeding. It is also useful in minimising risks of miscarriage and supports normal feotal growth. The decoction of Durva plant is given in the treatment of the kidney stones.


External medicinal use of Durva
Durva or doob grass is haemostatic, refrigerant, healer, and antibacterial. It can be made into paste and applied on skin for treating skin problems and improving complexion. Doob is beneficial in treating skin cuts, wounds, abrasions and similar skin problems. Leaf paste application on wounds, cuts, haemorrhoids helps in better healing. Few drops of doob juice is put in nostril to stop nasal bleeding or Nakseer. For headaches, leaf paste is applied on forehead.


Studies have shown antidiabetic, hypolipidemic, antimicrobial, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, antiproliferative, chemopreventive, antiulcer, phytoremediative, immunomodulatory, wound healing, anti-emetic, bronchodilatory, antidiarrheal, neuroprotective properties.

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