dhanvana :
Taxonomical Classification
Sanskrit: धनु व्रिक्ष Dhanu vriksha dhamni, dhanurvriksha, dhanurvrksah, dhanvana, dhanvanah, dhanvangah, dharmana, dharwana, dhavanga, dhawana, mahabala, pichhilaka, pichhilatvaka, raktakusuma, rujasaha, ruksha, swaduphalaEnglish: dhaman
Hindi: Dhamani
Telugu: Cahrachi , , attatadatada
Bengali: Dhamin
Marathi: daaman, daamani, daman, damni, dhaaman, dhaman, karavarani, karkarani
Gujarathi: Dhaaman
Tamil: Unu
Malayalam: Unnam, Chadicha
Kannada: Todsal, buttale
Synonyms in Ayurveda: raktakusum, dhanurvriksha, mahabal, rujapaha, picchilak, svaduphala, gotradrum, dharman, saravrikshakRasa: Kashaya Madhura
Guna: Laghu Picchila
Veerya: Sheetha
Vipaka: Katu
Karma: Kaphapittasamaka
The roots and bark gave triterpenoids.Parts used for medicinal purpose
Bark, Fruit, ,Morphology:
Dhaman is a moderate-sized to large tree, attaining a bole length of about 30 ft. and a girth of 7 ft. or more. Bark grey or dark brown; leaves stipulate, ovate with oblique base, acuminate, crenate-dentate; flowers small, borne on thick axillary peduncles; drupe globose and of the size of a pea, 2-4 lobed, black and edible. Dhaman is a very close cousin of Phalsa फ़ाल्सा. The yellow flower resembles the true Phalsa flower very much. The main difference is in the leaves. The leaves of Dhaman are oblique heart-shaped, a characteristic shared by the Linden trees, which belong to the genus Tilia. The botanical name tiliifolia means, leaves resembling Tilia Large trees, bark dark brown or greyish-brown, rough, vertically striated; blaze brownish-red, fibrous, streaked; branchlets stellate-tomentose. Leaves simple, alternate; stipules 7-10 mm, lateral, auricled; petiole 8-35 mm, stout, swollen tipped, pubescent; lamina 6-36 x 3-24 cm, broadly ovate or obliquely ovate to round, base obliquely cordate or subcordate, apex acute, margin double serrate or crenate-serrate, glabrescent above and hoary pubescent beneath, coriaceous, 5-7-ribbed from base, prominent, lateral nerves 3-6 pairs, pinnate, prominent, intercostae scalariform, prominent. Flowers bisexual, yellow, in axillary umbels; peduncle 1.5-2 cm long; sepals 5, pubescent; petals 5, yellow, half the length of sepals, entire or notched, densely tomentose outside; stamens many, free, inserted on a glandular torus; gland densely villous on the margin; ovary superior, globose, hirsute, 2-4-celled, ovules 2-many; style subulate; stigma obscurely lobed, recurved. Fruit a drupe, globose to subglobose, reddish-purple, 2-lobed, sparsely hairy.
Geographical distribution:
Upper Gengetic plain, Bihar, Bengal, Central and Peninsular India.General Use:
Bark—antidysenteric. Stem bark—semen coagulant. Plant—used in fractures. Antirheumatic, anti- inflammatory, mild laxative,diuretic, diaphoretic, fungistatic
- » Classification and names of dhanvana
- » Synonyms and definitions of dhanvana
- » Drug Properties of dhanvana
- » Chemical Constituents of dhanvana
- » Standardization of dhanvana
- » Parts used and Dosage of dhanvana
- » Morphology and Histology of dhanvana
- » Distribution and Conservation of dhanvana
- » Cultivation of dhanvana
- » dhanvana in the market
- » Medicinal Uses of dhanvana
- » Researches and clinical trails of dhanvana
- » dhanvana in other sytems of medicine
- » Ayurvedic formulations with dhanvana
- » Images of dhanvana