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Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre, Accrington

Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre

Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre
The Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre in Skelmersdale offers treatments in this settled, harmonious atmosphere, which is regularly remarked upon by our guests. Maharishi Ayurveda (MAV) is a revival of one of the most ancient and complete systems of natural health care. It clarifies the central importance of the mind-body relationship for health and provides us with a wide range of time-honoured practical techniques to enliven powerful natural healing responses in both mind and body.

Many doctors around the world are now convinced of the power of Maharishi Ayurveda, which sees perfect health as mans natural state, and recognizes no limits to the healing potential inherent in the human organism. One of the most important aspects of MAV is the special revitalization therapy, using the techniques traditionally known as Panchakarma.

The Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre in Skelmersdale is situated in a uniquely peaceful and restful environment. Near woodland and meadows, the centre is right next door to Europes first purpose built facility for practicing the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program.


Dr Greg Watras, MB ChB, Healt h Director at the Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre in Skelmersdale. At Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre UK we offer an ideal environment, complemented by skilled staff at our clinic with up to 18 years experience in this field. Maharishi Ayurveda Physicians are medical doctors who have extensive additional training in Maharishis Vedic Approach to Health and incorporate these principles and therapies into their practices. The training of Maharishi Ayurveda Physicians is supervised by the Maharishi Ayurveda Council of Vaidyas.

  Dr Greg Watras

Dr Alex Hankey explains the findings and significance of a breakthrough study on the effects of Maharishi Ayurveda Panchakarma. Dr Robert Herron and Dr John Fagan have shown that Maharishi Ayurveda Panchakarma therapy greatly reduces the levels of 14 important lipophilic (i.e. fat-soluble) toxic and carcinogenic chemicals in the body, which would otherwise remain in the body for a very long time.

Indeed, Herron and Fagan had designed their study knowing that Maharishi Ayurveda Panchakarma therapy includes traditional treatments with the potential to eliminate fat soluble wastes, including carcinogens, and also that no previous study had found reductions in such lipophilic toxins.

Maharishi Ayurveda Physicians are available for consultation at the Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre, Skelmersdale, UK, and periodically at Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centres and Maharishi Vedic Centres (Transcendental Meditation Centres) around UK and Eire.



The treatments offered by this centre are; Abhyanga, Urdvartana, Garshan, Vishesh, Nasya, Shirodhara, Netra Tarpana, Pizzichilli, Swedana, Pinda Swedana and Elimination Therapies (Basti)
And also offer treatment for chronic disorders - rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, headaches, eczema, psoriasis, constipation and non-insulin dependent diabetes.



We provide accommodation facility to our client.


MAV includes a complete and unique science of nutrition, recognizing the importance of the individuals capacity for digesting and assimilating food and providing a valuable understanding of differences in dietary requirements according to age, constitutional type and individual health needs.


The charges are; Consultations - Full personal health evaluation (60 minutes) £95/Seasonal check-up (30 minutes) £50/Post panchakarma (30 minutes) £50, Panchakarma & Standard program - Abhyanga, swedana, basti and post panchakarma consultation – 3 days from £530/5 days from £890, Different Types of Abhyanga - Vata abhyanga £141/Pitta abhyanga £126/Kapha abhyanga £110/Vishesh (a deep vigorous massage) £126/Udvartana (a massage to promote fat mobilization) £141/Garshan (massage for cellulite) £136/Pizichili (massage under flowing oil) £210/Swedana £31/Matra basti £12/Shodana basti £36.

And the charges for Special Treatments; Shirodhara (flowing oil on forehead) - £68, Nasya (for nasal passages and sinuses) - £104, Netra Tarpana (eye treatment) - £60 and A Taste of Ayurveda - Abhyanga with Shirodhara from £193, Abhyanga Massage on its own from £126.

And the charges for Accommodation and food; Staying with a family from £18 per day/Staying at local hotel from £60 per day/Staying in a flat close to the Centre £33 per day/Lunch £8.25/Supper £5.50.


Maharishi Ayurveda Products offer a wide range of products that relate to Maharishi Ayurveda including foods, teas, herbals and mineral food supplements. Maharishi Ayurveda combines the purity and authenticity of Ayurvedic knowledge as laid down in the traditional texts with state of the art manufacturing in GMP and ISO9001 certified facilities, top-notch quality and ongoing research to independently ratify the efficacy of our formulations.


My experience of the Maharishi Ayurveda Panchakarma was incredibly inspiring. The benefits have been so significant that they have influenced a change to my lifestyle, diet and how I take care of myself in mind, body and spirit. It is a truly holistic treatment and its effects unfolded both during the treatment and for some time afterwards. The Panchakarma treatments were unique, and were carried out with such care and in a gentle, peaceful atmosphere that I quickly relaxed and was thoroughly immersed in enjoying it all!! I recommend Panchakarma as a true spring clean for your entire being.
Sebrina Gibson
 I had moderate to severe acne from my teenage years until 1995. I had tried untold number of alternative therapies, until I discovered Maharishi Ayurveda Panchakarma treatments. My first 5 day course of these luxurious, detoxifying therapies led to my acne completely clearing within 2-3 months. It has not recurred since then. I now make sure I have PK treatment once a year to retain my new found glowing skin.
Christine Curtis
It has been an enlightening experience, revealing another layer of life and beauty - probably life changing. I cannot imagine a more subtle way to achieve rest and complete relaxation for the mind and body.
Paul A Jarvis, BSc(Est Man) FRICS Chartered Surveyor (Fellow)
Maharishi Ayurveda has helped me just be relaxed and enjoy the experience of having a child. Its also helped me to return to full strength again after pregnancy and labour.
Julie Andersen, Mother
In my opinion Maharishi Ayurveda Pulse Diagnosis can be an essential part of preventative medicine. It provides an entirely new insight into the early stages of disease.
- Dr N. Argyle, NHS Consultant

Maharishi Ayurveda is a complete lifestyle analysis. It puts you in touch with your bodys inner intelligence. Many people who want a greater balance in their lives find it invaluable.
- Dr M. Musgrave, General Practitioner



The Golden Dome, Woodley Park, Skelmersdale, Lancashire, WN8 6UQ, UK
Accrington, Lancashire, United Kingdom

Contact Info

Phone: +44 01695 51008
Fax: +44 01695 50917

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