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Ayurvedic Medicine Australia-wide, Victoria Point

Ayurvedic Medicine Australia-wide


Ayurveda Elements & Australian Ayurveda Academy was born in 1996 in Cairns, the tropical paradise of Australia. Moved to Sydney in 1997 and evolved into a complete Ayurveda centre quickly. Established a successful training and treatment centre in Sydneys northshore. Runs educational and training programs in India and Bali apart from Australian cities. Has conducted over 300 presentations during the past decade at various Australian centres. Conducts south India disorders, tours and helps clients with health resort referral. Uses traditional and modern compounds sourced locally and imported from India. Has clinics and training programs in Melbourne, Canberra, Wollongong, Sydney and Cairns.


Dr. Rama Prasad B.A.M.S., C.A.C.H. 
Ayurvedic Physician, Yoga and Sanskrit Teacher

For 20 years Rama has nurtured hundreds of patients back to balance with herbs, diet, exercise, body therapies and counseling. Along with Ayurveda, Rama is a qualified hypnotherapist. He practices what he preaches and is a very inspirational example of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.



Specialises in back pain, neck pain, weight loss and bowel diseases. Treats successfully health conditions like allergies, arthritis, bursitis, back pain, colitis, dermatitis (skin digestive hair loss, hepatitis, irritable bowel syndrome / disease, migraine, nasal allergies, neck pain, thyroid conditions, ulcerative colitis, tendinitis and more. Offers workshops, seminars and certificates in Melbourne, Canberra, Wollongong, Sydney and Cairns.


Source of Information: Vaidya Rama Prasad



48/65 Vasey Esp, Trinity Beach, Queensland, 4878, Australia
Victoria Point, Queensland, Australia
Nearest Railway Station: Kuranda Railway Station; Caravonica Skyrail Terminal
Nearest Airport: Cairns International Airport

Contact Info

Phone: +61740556197 Mobile: +610425233426

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Kotakkal Ayurveda - Mother land of modern ayurveda