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Treatments > Thalapotichil

Treatments > Thalapotichil

Thalapotichil is a unique method of drug delivery which is widely practiced among the physicians, especially in Kerala. The word Thalapotichil comes from the Malayalam vocabulary. Literally it means
* Thala :- means head
* Potichil :- to cover
Hence the word thalapotichil means to cover the head. It can be defined as the treatment procedure where the prepared medicine is in the form of a semisolid paste is applied over the head. It is a modified form of Sirolepa. Some scholars opined that it has the same quality as that of Takradhara. The procedure is recommended more in Children, Jatroordwa rogas and in manasika rogas.

1- Prepared medicine paste -250gm .
2- Medicine for talam (if necessary) Rasnadi choornam + tailam  Q.S
3- Water Q.S
4- Fresh Lotus or Plantain leaves
5- Vessel - Earthen pot - 1
- Other vessels-3
6- Towels - 3
7- Cotton plugs- 2
8- Gauze piece- 2


The semisolid medicinal paste can be prepared in many ways
a- The drug including Amalaki etc. can be boiled in buttermilk and made in to paste.
b- The dry drugs boiled and socked in buttermilk over night and made in to a paste.
c- The drugs simple socked in buttermilk over night and made in to paste.
d- Drugs having Swaras (eg. Mandukaparni) need not be socked but can be directly made in to paste by its juice.


a- Dried Amalaki mixed with Panchagandha choornam.
b- Mustha,Raja,Useera,Vamsalochana,Hreebera,Tamarind leaf veins.
c-Samja sthapana gan oushadhas.
d-In Kaphanubandha, Rasnadi choorna can be mixed.
e-Instead of using takra as a medium, we can use taila in khara paka, swarasa(fresh)Kwatham Navaneetam, Ksheeram,Ghrutam,Coconut water according to the clinical condition of the patient.
The semisolid paste should be coarse. It should be properly mixed.

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