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Uses of vastuka - Chenopodium murale Linn., Chenopodium album Linn.

vastuka :

vastuka  : Chenopodium murale Linn., Chenopodium album Linn.

General Use:

To treat kidney stone, piles, swelling(Internal), jaundice, Anemia, irregular mensuration and blood purifier.

Therapeutic Uses:

Arsa, pravahika, raktapitta, urustambha, vataja-kasa, raktapradara (root)

Systemic Use:

Many species of Chenopodium are being used traditionally in indigenous systems of medicine for the treatment of numerous ailments. C. album improves the appetite, acts as anthelmintic, laxative, diuretic and tonic. It is also useful in biliousness, vata and kapha, abdominal pain and eye diseases. It is used in the form of pot herb in piles. The finely powdered leaves are used as a dusting powder about the external genitalia in children 


Leaves and young shoots - raw or cooked as a spinach


Anti oxidants, laxative, Amino acids, many of vitamins, Proteins and nutrients.

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